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Hmmmm about me, what to say about me.  I can’t stand the thought of writing paragraphs upon paragraphs about myself so I decided that I won’t. So here are just a few things about moi.

  • I dream about the day that I have enough kitchen/cabinet space to house all of my future sets of dishes.
  • My husband is awesome.
  • Autumn is my favorite season of all time.
  • 75% of the clothing in my closet is black...but I'm working on this.
  • I have the two most amazing dogs on the face of this ever loving planet.
  • I will eat anything with pumpkin in it.
  • My sense of smell is re-donkulous.
  • I’m crazy addicted to reality tv. (ie: Bravo's entire network line-up)
  • I strongly feel that a girl can never have too many shoes.
  • My husband has a weird affinity for clocks, specifically those with roman numerals – who doesn’t?
  • Making smiley face pancakes with anything but chocolate chips should be a crime punishable by law.
  • Sunday’s are best spent lounging around.
  • I loathe 100+ degree temperatures.
  • Bon Fire’s are the They’re even better when marshmallow’s are involved.
  • Speaking of marshmallow's, aren't they just amazing?
  • I could never like pizza as much as my husband.
  • Pasta should be on the menu every. single. night.

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