Nectar of the Gods
>> November 14, 2012
5 Tablespoons of Water
5 Tablespoons of Light Corn Syrup
1 Cup of Heavy Cream
5 tablespoons of Butter (cut into chunks)
1 teaspoon of Kosher Salt
Seriously? Why does chicken soup get all the glory? There are few things that a piping hot bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese can't fix.
I sat down to write this and quickly realized that I needed to break this up into two posts...there’s just too much here to cram it all in at once. Evidently my gift of gab has returned.
I’ve had the good fortune of visiting San Francisco a boatload of times. Because of my job I’m there at least once a year and I’ve been several times for pleasure. It is by far, one of my most favorite cities. This is mostly in part because of the food culture (it’s unreal), but the vibe and climate are pretty stellar as well. Recently, I’ve had several requests for things to do/restaurants to visit in the Bay Area so I thought I’d construct a “To-Do/How-To” SFO style.
The one thing I think most people are surprised by when they visit San Fran is the climate. Seemingly the misconception is “it’s sunny’ll be warm”, but this is almost never the case. They have a pretty moderate climate year-round, but the the average high temperature maxes out at 72 degrees and the low bottoms out at a whopping 46 degrees. It’s definitely cooler than you might assume, but a far cry from being considered “cold”.
Ok, onto the good stuff. What to do when you’re in the Bay Area! For starters...there’s quite literally tons of wonderful things you can do to spend your time, here are just a few of them:
Golden Gate Bridge & Presidio Park: Ok, I’m starting with the obvious, but crazy tourist’s aside it’s wonderful to see and offers fantastic views of the city.
I'm a bit short on words this time around. Probably one of the few times a year that I'm not incredibly long winded.
So I sat down and wrote 99% of this post and saved it in draft format. Only to find out later that for some reason my "draft" didn't save and I was left with only the title. Enter sad pouty-face Carolyn. Sadly I don't remember what I said in my post. Like at all. I'm sure it was cleverly composed and teeming with wit, but alas...we'll never know.
What's better than a long holiday weekend? A long holiday weekend with Strawberry Rhubarb Sangria! I bet you saw that coming.
True: It's been a while since I hung out here on the bloggie.
False: It's not because I'm lazy, it's because I'm a procrastinator. wait a minute...
True: This happened today in my kitschy-kitchen.
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