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Sometimes you just have to wing it

>> July 13, 2010

Wings are just awesome. Aren't they? I'm not sure why, but there are days that I come home from work and all I want is an ice cold beer and chicken wings. I don't know if it's the hot sauce, or the dipping, or possibly the grilling...but whatever it is I love it!

Not to be a buzz kill or anything, but this recipe doesn't have any of the three enticing wing attributes that I listed above because I didn't use a hot sauce, I omitted the dipping sauce, and these are baked and not grilled...but they're still amazing! Really, I promise!

I adapted the recipe from another
biggie...these are a great winter time meal, or rainy day dinner since it's not winter but definitely raining!

Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken Wings
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried rosemary
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp kosher
2 1/2 lbs chicken wings
3 tbs melted butter
2 tbs minced fresh basil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 tsp lawry's season salt

1. Preheat oven to 425F. In a small bowl, mix together the oregano, rosemary, cumin and salt.

2. Lay the chicken wings on a baking sheet and season the chicken wings with this mixture.

3. Bake the chicken wings for 2o-25 minutes. While the chicken is baking, mix together the butter, fresh basil, garlic, parmesan, and season salt.

4. When the chicken is cooked through, toss the wings with the garlic/cheese/butter sauce and serve with a squeeze of lime!

Victory Gardending...or Lack Thereof

>> July 6, 2010

I don’t know if it’s the unrelenting, oppressive summer heat that continues to sweep across Georgia (well the majority of the country it seems) right now, but whatever it is I can’t help but think about gardening? Which is quite strange because I don’t have a garden and my feeble attempts with a few tomato plants, bell peppers, and assorted herbs in the past was pathetic at best. Not to mention the fact that my puppies steal tomatoes and peppers when they’ve reached golf ball size and leave them half-chewed and strewn amongst the yard.

But oh, it gets better. I’m not talking about planting a few flower beds, or growing a few vegetables. I have been stricken with the desire to grow a
victory garden. Yes, a victory garden. Victory Gardens began during World War I as a way to help the war effort by decreasing the amount food consumed from the public food supply and to boost morale within the communities because of empowerment and comradery.

Besides having any number of beautiful fruits and veggies within arm’s reach of my kitchen (aka my mouth), I find these gardens to be very idyllic. The nostalgia brings a certain level of charm and romanticism that I just can’t get enough of.

The initial inspiration for a victory garden came from WORC. I had never heard of a victory garden prior to reading their blog – and have since found myself somewhat fixated on the idea. Unfortunately, apartment living isn’t conducive to building a victory garden or gardening in general for that matter. So until I find myself in a place where I can begin my garden, I will continue to drool. What about you – do you enjoy gardening?

Oh, and don't even get me started on greenhouses...

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